When the world suddenly flips upside down, having a clear plan can mean the difference between chaos and control. In prepping circles, we call this moment SHTF (short for “stuff hits the fan”), and while the specific scenario might vary—natural disasters, economic collapse, or grid-down situations—the need for decisive action remains the same. The first 24 hours are absolutely critical. This is the window where you can secure your safety, gather resources, and set yourself up for survival.
With that in mind, I’ve put together this list of 12 key steps to take right away when SHTF. These are actionable, practical tips designed to prioritize your safety and give you a solid foundation as you face the unknown.
Assess the Situation

The first thing to do is stop and take stock of what’s happening. Look for immediate dangers, assess how widespread the event is, and listen for official updates if communication lines are still open. Panic is your worst enemy here; instead, focus on gathering accurate information to guide your next steps.
Check on Loved Ones

Once you’ve figured out the situation, make sure your loved ones are safe. This includes family, friends, and neighbors if you can reach them. Establish a plan to regroup at a pre-determined safe location if communication or transportation is still possible.
Secure Water Sources

Water is critical for survival, so one of your first priorities should be securing clean water. Fill up bathtubs, sinks, and any containers you have. If you have access to a nearby stream, lake, or well, ensure you have filtration systems or purification tablets ready.
Lock Down Your Home

If sheltering in place is your best option, make your home defensible. Lock doors and windows, close curtains, and set up a system to monitor entry points. Look for items you can use as makeshift barriers if necessary, especially if the threat involves civil unrest.
Gather Critical Supplies

Quickly gather your emergency supplies—this includes food, water, first-aid kits, flashlights, and communication tools. If you don’t have a ready-made go-bag, assemble the essentials in a portable container in case evacuation becomes necessary.
Monitor the News

Stay tuned to local news and emergency alerts through a battery-powered or hand-crank radio. Information is power, and understanding how the situation is evolving can help you anticipate threats or opportunities.
Assess Your Escape Options

Even if you’re planning to shelter in place, it’s smart to have an evacuation route in mind. Take a quick inventory of your vehicle’s fuel level, check maps for alternate routes, and pack an emergency car kit if you haven’t already.
Establish Communication

If cell networks or landlines are operational, use them sparingly but strategically. Check in with loved ones and share updates, but avoid using up battery life unnecessarily. A two-way radio or satellite phone can be invaluable if the grid goes down.
Protect Financial Resources

Cash is king in a crisis. If ATMs and banks are still operational, withdraw as much as you safely can. Credit cards and digital payments may not work, so having hard currency is essential for trade or purchasing last-minute supplies.
Prioritize Medical Needs

Take stock of any immediate medical concerns within your group. Address injuries, ensure access to essential medications, and prepare for potential health issues by having your first-aid supplies easily accessible.
Plan for Defense

Whether it’s wild animals or people with bad intentions, SHTF scenarios can bring unexpected threats. If you have self-defense tools, keep them within reach and ensure everyone in your household understands the basics of safety and usage.
Stay Calm and Adapt

Finally, remember that no plan is perfect. You’ll need to stay calm, reassess frequently, and adapt to the circumstances as they evolve. Survival is about flexibility as much as preparation. Your ability to stay composed will help those around you do the same.