What Happens If the Power Goes Out Forever? 15 Things You Must Know

Imagine a world plunged into darkness, where the hum of electricity is silenced forever. It’s a scenario that keeps many of us up at night, wondering how we’d cope without the modern conveniences we’ve grown so accustomed to. As someone who’s spent years preparing for such possibilities, I can tell you it’s not all doom and gloom – but it’s certainly not a walk in the park either.

Let’s get into the nitty-gritty of what life might look like if the lights went out for good, and more importantly, how you can be ready for it. Remember, knowledge is power, especially when there’s no power to be had.

Water Supply Will Be a Top Priority

Water Gallons
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

When the power goes out, water treatment plants and pumping stations will stop working. This means the tap water supply will quickly run dry. You’ll need to have a plan for collecting, purifying, and storing water. Think rainwater harvesting systems, nearby natural water sources, and plenty of water purification methods like filters, bleach, or boiling. A good rule of thumb is to store at least one gallon of water per person per day for drinking and sanitation purposes.

Food Preservation Becomes Challenging

Stocked up food
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Your refrigerator and freezer will become useless pretty quickly. Most perishables will spoil within 4 hours without refrigeration. You’ll need to shift to non-perishable foods and learn preservation techniques like canning, dehydrating, and fermenting. Growing your own food will become crucial for long-term survival. Consider learning about wild edibles in your area as well – nature’s pantry can be surprisingly bountiful if you know where to look.

Healthcare Will Be Limited

Medicine Storage
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Modern healthcare relies heavily on electricity. Hospitals might run on backup generators for a while, but eventually, these will fail too. You’ll need to stock up on essential medications and learn basic first aid and natural remedies. Preventative care will become more important than ever. Maintaining good hygiene and a healthy diet will be your first line of defense against illness.

Communication Systems Will Fail

Quiet Place
Image Credit: Prepping Pro Tips.

Cell phones, internet, and television will all go dark. Short-wave radios might work for a while, but batteries will eventually run out. You’ll need to establish local communication networks and perhaps learn skills like using signal mirrors or smoke signals. Consider setting up a community bulletin board or designated meeting place for sharing important information.

Transportation Will Be Limited

Man fixing bike
Image Credit: Igor Peftiev igorpeftiev, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons.

Gas pumps won’t work without electricity, and eventually, fuel supplies will run out. Electric vehicles will be useless. Bicycles, horses, and good old-fashioned walking will become the primary modes of transportation. Make sure you have a good pair of boots and a bicycle in working order. Learning basic bike maintenance skills could prove invaluable in this scenario.

Sanitation Will Become a Major Issue

Boiling water on fire
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Without power, sewage treatment plants won’t function. This could lead to disease outbreaks. You’ll need to learn about composting toilets and proper waste management. Stock up on hygiene supplies and learn how to make your own soap. Understanding basic water purification methods will be crucial for preventing waterborne illnesses.

Climate Control Will Be a Challenge

Wood Stove
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Heating and cooling systems won’t work. In extreme climates, this could be life-threatening. You’ll need to learn how to stay warm without electricity (think wood stoves and proper insulation) and how to stay cool (underground shelters, natural ventilation). Knowing how to build a proper fire and how to identify natural shelters could save your life in harsh weather conditions.

Security Concerns Will Increase

Image Credit: Prepping Pro Tips.

As resources become scarce, security might become an issue. You’ll need to think about how to protect your family and resources. This might involve forming community watch groups or learning self-defense skills. Understanding basic home fortification techniques can also help deter potential intruders.

Money Will Lose Its Value

Image Credit: Prepping Pro Tips.

Electronic banking systems will fail, and paper money may become worthless. Bartering will likely become the primary form of trade. Having useful skills and items to trade will be more valuable than money in the bank. Consider learning a practical trade or stockpiling items that will be in high demand, like seeds, tools, or medical supplies.

Education Will Change Dramatically

Man teaching his son skills
Image Credit: Prepping Pro Tips.

Schools as we know them won’t function without power. Education will likely return to a more apprenticeship-based model. You’ll need to ensure you have a good library of physical books on various survival skills and general knowledge. Teaching children practical skills like gardening, first aid, and basic construction will become a crucial part of their education.

Entertainment Will Be Different

Playing Board Games
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

No more Netflix or video games. Entertainment will become more social and skill-based. Board games, storytelling, and music will make a comeback. Make sure you have some non-electronic forms of entertainment on hand. Learning to play a musical instrument or mastering the art of storytelling could make you a valuable member of your community.

Agriculture Will Transform

Watering Crops
Image Credit: Prepping Pro Tips.

Modern agriculture relies heavily on electricity for irrigation, processing, and storage. We’ll need to return to more traditional farming methods. Learn about permaculture, crop rotation, and how to save seeds. Understanding soil health and natural pest control methods will be crucial for maintaining a sustainable food supply.

Manufacturing Will Grind to a Halt

Abandoned Factory
Image Credit: Prepping Pro Tips.

Without power, most factories won’t be able to operate. We’ll need to return to more manual methods of production. Skills like blacksmithing, weaving, and carpentry will become highly valuable. Learning how to repurpose and upcycle existing materials will be essential in a world where new goods are scarce.

Governance Will Be Local

people organized for a meeting
Image Credit: Prepping Pro Tips.

Without modern communication systems, centralized government will be challenging. Local communities will likely need to organize their own systems of governance. Understanding basic civics and conflict resolution will be crucial. Developing strong leadership and organizational skills could help you play a vital role in your community’s survival and growth.

Innovation Will Still Happen

man sketching
Image Credit: Prepping Pro Tips.

Humans are incredibly adaptable. While we’ll lose many modern technologies, new innovations will arise to meet our needs. Encouraging creativity and problem-solving skills in your community will be essential for long-term survival and progress. Keeping detailed records of successful innovations and sharing this knowledge will help accelerate progress in a post-electric world.

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