Prepping Pro Tips
Helping You Prepare For Anything.
10 Plants That Can Save Your Life by Purifying Water
When you’re out in the wild, access to clean, safe drinking water can be a…
10 Best Takedown .22 Rifles for Preppers and Survivalists
A takedown .22 long rifle is a must-have for any prepper or survivalist. These rifles…
Prepping According to “Red Dawn”: What Works and What Doesn’t
Red Dawn painted a dramatic picture of survival during an invasion. As a prepper, watching…
10 Lifesaving First-Aid Skills Every Prepper Needs to Know
As a prepper, I’ve learned that being ready for any situation means more than just…
24 Must-Have Items for Your Nuclear Fallout Shelter
In an unpredictable world, being prepared for the worst can make all the difference. A…
Don’t Waste Space: 16 Overrated Items Preppers Need to Ditch
When prepping, it’s easy to get carried away with stockpiling items that seem essential but…
13 Unique Ways to Repurpose Spent Brass Casings
As a prepper, I’m always looking for ways to reuse and repurpose items, especially those…
18 Simple DIY Projects to Keep Your Homestead Safe
As a homesteader, I know firsthand how important it is to keep your homestead secure….
15 Underrated Calibers for Survival Situations
When preparing for survival situations, most people think of the typical heavy hitters like the…
12 Vital Steps to Disaster-Proof Your Home
When disaster strikes, having your home ready can make all the difference in keeping you…
21 Best Double-Barrel Shotguns for Hunting and Defense
When it comes to shotguns, nothing beats the reliability and versatility of a double-barrel. Whether…
18 Offline Navigation Skills That Could Save Your Life
We live in a world where technology keeps us connected, so it’s easy to forget…
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