24 Barter Items You Can’t Afford to Overlook

In a world turned upside down, cash might become nothing more than fancy paper. That’s when the real currency becomes what you can do and what you have. I’ve spent years thinking about this, and let me tell you, some items are worth their weight in gold when it comes to trading.

Whether you’re prepping for a major disaster or just want to be ready for anything, these barter items could make the difference between struggling and thriving. Here are 24 things you absolutely need to stock up on for when the chips are down. The key is to diversify your barter stockpile – you never know what might be in demand.

Water Purification Tablets

Water Purification Tablets
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Clean water is life. These tiny tablets can make unsafe water drinkable in about 30 minutes. One tablet typically treats one liter of water. They’re lightweight, easy to store, and have a long shelf life. In a crisis, people will trade almost anything for clean water. Most tablets use chlorine dioxide, which is effective against bacteria, viruses, and some parasites.


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Bullets will be like gold. They’re small, easily transportable, and have an almost indefinite shelf life when stored properly. Different calibers will be in demand for hunting and self-defense. Just remember, always prioritize safety and follow local laws. The most common calibers like .22LR, 9mm, and .223/5.56 will likely be the most tradeable.


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Salt isn’t just for flavor. It’s essential for preserving food and maintaining electrolyte balance in the body. A human needs about 1500-2300 mg of sodium per day. In a world without refrigeration, salt becomes priceless. It also has medicinal uses, such as making a saline solution for wound cleaning.


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Non-hybrid, heirloom seeds are gardening gold. They can be planted year after year, producing food indefinitely. Focus on high-yield, nutritious crops like beans, squash, and tomatoes. One packet of seeds could feed a family for months. Consider vacuum-sealing seeds with a desiccant packet to extend their viability for 5-10 years.


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In a world without hospitals, basic medicines become invaluable. Fish antibiotics are often identical to human antibiotics and don’t require a prescription. They have a long shelf life when stored properly. Always consult a medical professional before use. Common ones like amoxicillin and ciprofloxacin can treat a wide range of bacterial infections.


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High-proof alcohol serves multiple purposes. It’s a social lubricant, a painkiller, and a disinfectant. A bottle of 151-proof rum could be worth its weight in trade goods. Plus, it stays good indefinitely if sealed. It can also be used as fuel for alcohol stoves, making it doubly valuable.


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Even if you don’t smoke, cigarettes will be in high demand. They’re lightweight, have a long shelf life, and are highly addictive. A carton of cigarettes could be traded for much-needed supplies in a pinch. Non-filtered cigarettes can also be used as tinder for starting fires in a survival situation.


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From flashlights to radios, batteries power our portable devices. Stock up on common sizes like AA and AAA. Rechargeable batteries with a solar charger are even better. They’ll be worth their weight in gold when the grid goes down. Lithium batteries have a shelf life of up to 20 years, making them ideal for long-term storage.

Toilet Paper

Toilet Paper
Image Credit: Patricia via Canva.

We all learned how valuable this is during recent shortages. It’s bulky to store but doesn’t go bad. In a long-term crisis, alternatives like washable cloth could be used, but many will trade a lot for the comfort of TP. A single roll can last one person about 5 days on average.


Use Coffee Grounds
Image Credit: Prepping Pro Tips via Canva.

This might seem like a luxury, but for many, it’s a daily necessity. Coffee has a long shelf life when stored properly and is lightweight. The caffeine can provide a much-needed energy boost in stressful times. Green (unroasted) coffee beans can last up to 20 years when stored properly, much longer than roasted beans.


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Proper hygiene prevents disease. Bar soap lasts longer than liquid and is easier to trade. It can be used for bathing, laundry, and even shaving. In a world without modern sanitation, soap could save lives. Castile soap is particularly versatile, as it can also be used as shampoo, toothpaste, and even pest control for plants.


Image Credit: Prepping Pro Tips via Midjourney.

When the lights go out, candles become essential. They provide light and a small amount of heat. Beeswax candles burn cleanly and have a pleasant scent. They also have an indefinite shelf life. Beeswax candles burn slower than paraffin, lasting up to 3 times longer.


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A reliable fire starter is crucial for cooking, warmth, and purifying water. Disposable lighters are cheap, lightweight, and last for years if stored properly. They’re much easier to use than matches, especially in wet conditions. A typical disposable lighter can provide about 3,000 lights before running out of fuel.


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Like salt, sugar is a preservative and a flavor enhancer. It provides quick energy and can make unpalatable foods more edible. It has an indefinite shelf life if kept dry. In a world without candy bars, a spoonful of sugar will be a treat. Sugar can also be used to make an antiseptic paste for wounds.


Image Credit: Prepping Pro Tips via Midjourney.

When food options are limited, spices can make a big difference in morale. They’re lightweight and have a long shelf life. Focus on versatile spices like garlic powder, curry powder, and chili flakes. Many spices also have medicinal properties – for example, turmeric is a powerful anti-inflammatory.


Image Credit: Ragesoss, CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.

When diets become restricted, nutritional deficiencies can be deadly. A good multivitamin can help fill the gaps. They’re small, lightweight, and last for years. In a bartering situation, they could be literal life-savers. Look for vitamins that include essential minerals like iron and zinc, which are often lacking in crisis diets.

Fishing Line and Hooks

Fishing Line and Hooks
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

These simple tools can provide a constant food source. Fishing line has many uses beyond fishing, like making snares or repairing gear. Hooks are small and lightweight but incredibly valuable for survival. Monofilament fishing line can also be used as suture material in emergency medical situations.

Duct Tape

Duct Tape
Image Credit: Evan-Amos, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

Is there anything duct tape can’t do? It repairs, binds, and waterproofs. A roll is lightweight and lasts for years. From patching a tent to making emergency shoes, duct tape is incredibly versatile. It can even be used to create makeshift bandages or remove splinters.

Tampons and Pads

Tampons and Pads
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Often overlooked in prepping lists, these are essential for half the population. They’re also useful as medical supplies for wound packing. Compact and lightweight, they’ll be in high demand. In a pinch, tampons can be used as water filters or fire starters.

Reading Glasses

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As people age, many need reading glasses. They’re cheap now but will be priceless when no new ones are being made. Stock up on various strengths. They’ll be a godsend for those who need them. Reading glasses can also be used as magnifying glasses for starting fires or examining small objects.

Sewing Kit

Sewing Kit
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

The ability to repair clothing and gear is invaluable. A basic sewing kit is small and lightweight. Include strong thread, various needles, and spare buttons. It could mean the difference between having clothes and going without. Dental floss can be included as a super-strong thread option.

Pain Relievers

Pain Reliever
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In a world without doctors, managing pain becomes crucial. Over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen and acetaminophen will be in high demand. They have a long shelf life if stored properly. Aspirin can double as an anti-inflammatory and a blood thinner in emergency situations.

Hand Tools

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Simple tools like hammers, saws, and screwdrivers will be essential for rebuilding and repairing. They don’t require power and last for generations if cared for properly. The ability to fix things will be a valuable skill. Include a sharpening stone in your toolkit to maintain the edges of your cutting tools.

Playing Cards

Playing Card
Image Credit: Unsplash+.

Never underestimate the value of entertainment. A deck of cards provides countless games. They’re small, lightweight, and can lift spirits in tough times. Plus, they can be used for decision-making when electronics fail. A waterproof deck will last longer and be more valuable in adverse conditions.

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