An electromagnetic pulse, or EMP, has the potential to wipe out electrical systems and power, leaving society as we know it in a much different position. In that situation, we would rely heavily on some unexpected items to get by—things that might seem trivial today, but would become priceless in a world where technology is out of the picture.
Whether it’s for cooking, staying warm, communicating, or navigating, these items would prove invaluable in helping us sustain, communicate, and make it through. Here are the top 22 everyday items that could mean the difference between struggling and thriving if an EMP ever hit.
1. Manual Can Opener

A manual can opener may seem basic, but in a post-EMP world, it’s essential. Without electricity, many food preservation methods are lost, but canned goods last for years. A sturdy can opener gives you easy access to valuable, non-perishable food.
2. Lighters and Matches

With power gone, lighters and matches are irreplaceable for creating fire. Fire is critical for warmth, cooking, boiling water, and even signaling for help. Keeping a stash of lighters and waterproof matches can make life a lot easier if the grid ever goes down.
3. Flashlights and Batteries

Light is invaluable when the power is out. Flashlights can help you see at night, protect you from hazards, and help you navigate. Batteries are equally critical, so stockpile extra sets if you can, or consider solar-powered or crank options that don’t need batteries.
4. Fire Starter Kit

For long-term survival, a fire starter kit is priceless. These kits, which often include flint and steel or magnesium bars, let you ignite a flame even in harsh weather when lighters and matches run out.
5. Solar Chargers

Some solar chargers may still function after an EMP. They’re a smart way to power small devices, like flashlights or radios, that might not be affected. Solar chargers provide an edge in keeping essential electronics usable.
6. Non-Electric Water Filter

Water is essential for survival, and a good portable water filter can turn potentially dangerous water sources into drinkable water. After an EMP, you won’t be able to rely on electric pumps or purification systems, making a reliable, non-electric filter a must-have.
7. Cash and Small Bills

With credit cards and ATMs out of commission, cash becomes vital for any transactions still occurring. Small bills allow for fair trade without needing change, helping you negotiate and barter.
8. Maps and Compasses

GPS won’t be functional after an EMP, so having detailed physical maps of your area, along with a good compass, will help you navigate safely. They’re essential for anyone needing to move locations or explore unfamiliar terrain.
9. Batteries for Essential Electronics

If any electronics survive, extra batteries become as valuable as gold. Radios, flashlights, and certain medical devices might still be usable with the right backup power, making batteries a prime survival asset.
10. Hand Tools

Without power, electric tools are out of the question. Hand tools like hammers, wrenches, saws, and screwdrivers will help you repair, build, and maintain essential items around your shelter or home.
11. Duct Tape

Known for its versatility, duct tape can repair almost anything, from patching up torn clothing to sealing up broken equipment. In a grid-down scenario, duct tape would be irreplaceable for everyday fixes and emergency repairs.
12. Blankets and Sleeping Bags

Staying warm becomes a top priority in a power outage. Thick blankets and warm sleeping bags help regulate body temperature when you can’t rely on heating. They also provide comfort and safety, especially during colder months.
13. Non-Electric Cooking Tools

Camping stoves, cast iron pots, and solar ovens let you cook food when electric stoves are out. Even basic items like pots, pans, and grills can be used over open flames to prepare meals.
14. Walkie-Talkies

While most communication devices will go down, walkie-talkies might still work, depending on the type of EMP. They allow for communication over short distances, which is crucial for family and group survival in isolated situations.
15. First Aid Kit

In a grid-down scenario, medical help could be hard to find. A well-stocked first aid kit becomes indispensable, helping you treat wounds, infections, and other injuries that could become serious if untreated.
16. Cooking Oil and Spices

Cooking oil lasts a long time and adds essential calories to meals. Spices make bland food more palatable, providing some comfort and enjoyment in tough times. They’re often overlooked, but they make a world of difference in flavor.
17. Salt and Sugar

Salt preserves food and enhances flavor, while sugar provides an energy boost and a rare morale lift. Both have long shelf lives and add versatility to your survival food options, making them essential stockpile items.
18. Sewing Kit

A small sewing kit with needles, thread, and scissors is incredibly useful. In a post-EMP world, replacing clothing won’t be easy, so being able to repair rips, holes, and tears is invaluable.
19. Soap and Sanitizer

Without water treatment, personal hygiene becomes critical. Soap and hand sanitizer help prevent illness and infections, making them essential for maintaining health and cleanliness in a low-tech world.
20. Manual Coffee Grinder and Coffee Beans

For coffee lovers, a manual grinder and some beans can lift spirits and keep you energized. It’s a small luxury that would be comforting in a challenging time and might even be a bartering item if resources run low.
21. Emergency Whistle

An emergency whistle is a reliable way to signal for help when other communication methods aren’t available. A loud whistle can alert others to your presence in an emergency, helping you stay safe and secure.
22. Books and Instructional Guides

When the internet is gone, books become priceless sources of information and entertainment. Having guides on gardening, first aid, and survival can provide essential knowledge for self-sufficiency, while novels offer a morale boost.