In today’s world, it’s crucial to prepare our children for the unexpected. Teaching kids basic survival skills not only ensures their safety but also builds confidence and self-reliance. These skills can be life-saving in emergencies and foster a deep connection with nature. By introducing these abilities early, we’re giving our children the tools to navigate both everyday challenges and potential disasters with ease and confidence.
Fire Starting

Every 12-year-old should know how to safely start a fire. This skill provides warmth, light, and a way to purify water and cook food. Teach them multiple methods, including using matches, lighters, and friction-based techniques like bow drills. Make sure they understand fire safety, including how to create a fire pit and fully extinguish flames. Introduce them to the concept of a “fire triangle” – fuel, oxygen, and heat – to help them understand the principles behind fire-making and control.
Basic First Aid

Kids should learn to handle minor injuries and recognize more serious ones. Teach them how to clean and bandage wounds, treat burns, and recognize signs of shock. Include instruction on CPR and the Heimlich maneuver. A basic understanding of first aid can mean the difference between life and death in emergency situations. Encourage them to create and maintain a personal first aid kit, teaching them the purpose of each item.
Water Purification

Clean water is essential for survival. Show your child how to purify water using different methods. Boiling is the most reliable, but they should also know how to use water purification tablets and create improvised filters using materials like sand, charcoal, and cloth. Emphasize the importance of avoiding contaminated water sources. Teach them the “8×8” rule: aim for eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day to stay properly hydrated.

In our GPS-dependent world, basic navigation skills are often overlooked. Teach your 12-year-old how to read a map and use a compass. Show them how to navigate using natural indicators like the sun and stars. These skills are invaluable if they ever get lost in the wilderness or during a power outage. Introduce the concept of triangulation to determine their position using landmarks.
Knot Tying

Knowing how to tie basic knots is incredibly useful in survival situations. Start with simple knots like the square knot, bowline, and clove hitch. Explain how different knots are used for various purposes, such as securing shelters, creating tools, or even in first aid situations. Practice regularly with different types of rope and cordage to build muscle memory.
Shelter Building

The ability to create a basic shelter can protect from the elements and provide a sense of security. Teach your child how to build simple shelters using natural materials like branches and leaves, as well as how to set up a tent. Include instruction on choosing a safe location for a shelter. Introduce the concept of insulation and how to create a barrier between themselves and the cold ground.
Food Foraging

While advanced foraging requires extensive knowledge, kids can learn to identify some common edible plants in your area. Start with easily recognizable, safe options like dandelions or blackberries. Always emphasize the importance of 100% identification before eating any wild plants and teach them about poisonous look-alikes. Introduce the Universal Edibility Test as a last resort for unknown plants in survival situations.
Basic Tool Use

Familiarity with tools can be incredibly useful in survival situations. Teach your 12-year-old how to safely use basic tools like knives, hatchets, and saws. Include instruction on tool maintenance and storage. This skill set can help with shelter building, fire preparation, and other survival tasks. Emphasize the importance of keeping tools sharp and clean to maintain their effectiveness and safety.
Signaling for Help

In an emergency, knowing how to signal for help is crucial. Teach your child various signaling methods, including how to use a whistle, create signal fires, and use reflective materials. Show them how to make ground-to-air signals that can be seen by rescue aircraft. Introduce the international distress signal (SOS) and how to communicate it through various methods.
Weather Prediction

Basic weather prediction skills can help avoid dangerous situations. Teach your child to recognize signs of incoming storms, such as changes in cloud formations or animal behavior. This knowledge can help them make safer decisions when outdoors. Introduce simple weather instruments like a barometer and explain how changes in air pressure can indicate upcoming weather patterns.
Self-Defense Basics

While we hope they never need it, basic self-defense knowledge can boost confidence and potentially save lives. Teach simple, effective techniques focused on escaping dangerous situations rather than engaging in fights. Include instruction on situational awareness to avoid potential threats. Emphasize the importance of de-escalation and using words to defuse conflicts whenever possible.
Emergency Communication

In a crisis, knowing how to communicate effectively is vital. Teach your child how to use different communication devices like two-way radios. Include instruction on emergency phone numbers and what information to provide when calling for help. Practice creating and sending clear, concise messages. Introduce the concept of an emergency contact list and the importance of memorizing key phone numbers.
Basic Fishing

Fishing can provide a valuable food source in survival situations. Teach your 12-year-old how to set up a basic fishing line, bait hooks, and identify good fishing spots. Include instruction on cleaning and cooking fish safely. This skill also offers a great way to connect with nature. Show them how to make improvised fishing gear from natural materials like plant fibers and bone hooks.
Fire Safety and Prevention

While starting a fire is important, knowing how to control and prevent fires is equally crucial. Teach your child about different types of fires and how to use fire extinguishers. Include information on creating firebreaks and what to do if caught in a wildfire situation. Introduce the “Stop, Drop, and Roll” technique for dealing with clothing fires.
Mental Preparedness

Perhaps the most important survival skill is mental preparedness. Teach your child the importance of staying calm in emergencies. Practice scenarios to build confidence and decision-making skills. Encourage a positive, problem-solving attitude when facing challenges. Introduce simple stress-management techniques like deep breathing or counting to help maintain composure in high-pressure situations.