When it comes to prepping, it’s all about finding the right tools to help you survive the unexpected. Whether you’re focused on personal defense, hunting, or being prepared for societal collapse, having a solid firearm in your kit can provide a lot of peace of mind. Over the years, movies and TV shows have showcased some seriously practical guns—ones that are not only great on screen but also hold up in real-life survival situations. Below, I’ll walk you through 15 iconic firearms from pop culture that could be perfect for preppers like us.
1. Colt M1911 – Used in “Die Hard”

The Colt M1911 is an American classic known for its durability and reliability. Seen in countless films like Die Hard, this semi-automatic pistol is a great choice for preppers. Chambered in .45 ACP, it packs a punch, while its simple design means it’s easy to maintain. It’s not only a part of American military history but is still considered one of the best options for personal defense.
2. Mossberg 500 – Featured in “The Walking Dead”

In survival situations, shotguns can be invaluable, and the Mossberg 500 is a great example. Frequently used by characters in The Walking Dead, this pump-action shotgun is known for its rugged reliability and versatility. It can handle everything from hunting to home defense, and the wide variety of ammunition available makes it adaptable to different survival needs.
3. AK-47 – Seen in “Red Dawn”

The AK-47 is iconic for its ruggedness and ability to function in extreme conditions. In Red Dawn, a film all about resistance and survival, this rifle becomes a key tool for the characters. With its reputation for reliability and the widespread availability of parts and ammunition, the AK-47 is a solid choice for preppers planning for the worst.
4. Remington 870 – Prominent in “The Terminator”

The Remington 870 is a pump-action shotgun that’s seen action in numerous movies, including The Terminator. Known for its reliability, this shotgun is great for hunting and defense. It’s popular among law enforcement and civilians alike due to its durability and ease of use, making it a great choice for a survival scenario.
5. Desert Eagle – Used in “The Matrix”

The Desert Eagle is one of the most recognizable handguns, featured in The Matrix and other action-packed films. Chambered in .50 AE, it’s an over-the-top handgun with extreme stopping power. While it’s not the most practical for everyday carry due to its size, in a SHTF scenario, it could serve as a powerful backup weapon for close encounters.
6. Winchester Model 1892 – Carried by “The Man With No Name”

For preppers who appreciate simplicity and history, the Winchester Model 1892 lever-action rifle is a solid option. Seen in many Westerns, including those starring Clint Eastwood, this rifle is excellent for hunting medium-sized game. Its classic design is reliable and has proven its effectiveness for over a century, making it a great addition to a prepper’s arsenal.
7. AR-15 – Featured in “24”

As seen in 24 with Jack Bauer, the AR-15 is a widely-used semi-automatic rifle that has gained a reputation for being lightweight, customizable, and accurate. Its versatility makes it useful for a wide range of tasks, from hunting to defense. The AR-15’s modular design allows for easy upgrades and modifications, ideal for preppers looking to fine-tune their weapons.
8. Beretta 92FS – Used in “Lethal Weapon”

The Beretta 92FS, famously used by Mel Gibson’s character in Lethal Weapon, is a favorite among law enforcement and military. This semi-automatic pistol is chambered in 9mm, making ammo easier to find in a crisis. Its accuracy and capacity make it a reliable sidearm, especially useful for preppers who want a trusted handgun for defense.
9. HK MP5 – Seen in “Die Hard”

The Heckler & Koch MP5, used by Hans Gruber’s henchmen in Die Hard, is a compact submachine gun favored by tactical units worldwide. Known for its high rate of fire and precision, the MP5 is well-suited for close-quarters combat. While full-auto versions are restricted for civilians, semi-automatic variants make great personal defense weapons in tight situations.
10. Marlin Model 336 – Used in “The Walking Dead”

A popular rifle in The Walking Dead, the Marlin Model 336 is a lever-action hunting rifle that’s great for taking down big game. Chambered in .30-30, it’s reliable and powerful enough for both defense and hunting. Lever-action rifles are known for their simplicity and ease of maintenance, making this an excellent option for preppers.
11. Glock 17 – Seen in “John Wick”

The Glock 17 is famously featured in John Wick and has a well-deserved reputation for durability, reliability, and simplicity. Its polymer frame makes it lightweight, and its 9mm chambering ensures ammo availability. With its ease of use and minimal maintenance needs, the Glock 17 is a must-have for preppers looking for a no-nonsense handgun.
12. M1 Garand – Seen in “Band of Brothers”

The M1 Garand is a battle rifle famously used by American soldiers in World War II, featured in Band of Brothers. Chambered in .30-06, it’s a powerful semi-automatic rifle known for its range and stopping power. For preppers, the M1 Garand represents rugged reliability, making it ideal for both defense and long-range engagements in survival situations.
13. Ruger 10/22 – Appeared in “The Walking Dead”

The Ruger 10/22, seen in The Walking Dead, is a versatile semi-automatic rifle chambered in .22 LR. Known for its reliability and ease of use, it’s a fantastic choice for small-game hunting and training. The ammo is lightweight and cheap, which is a huge bonus for preppers looking to stockpile. It’s also incredibly easy to customize, making it a great survival tool.
14. Smith & Wesson Model 29 – Featured in “Dirty Harry”

The Smith & Wesson Model 29, famously wielded by Clint Eastwood in Dirty Harry, is chambered in .44 Magnum, one of the most powerful handgun cartridges. While it’s not the most practical for everyday use due to its size and weight, it offers extreme stopping power, making it a good option for self-defense in extreme situations.
15. FN SCAR – Seen in “Jurassic World”

The FN SCAR is featured in Jurassic World, and it’s known for its modern design and adaptability. This rifle was developed for the U.S. Special Forces and is highly reliable under harsh conditions. Its modular system allows for customization and use with various calibers, making it a flexible option for preppers who want a rifle that can adapt to multiple survival scenarios.